BraSilesia is speeding up!

PHOTO-2022-04-14-12-36-00   BraSilesia is speeding up. After the success of a pilot program with on-line activities, Polish and Brazilian Partners, including the Federal University of Viçosa, the Technology Park of Viçosa “TecnoPARQ”, Katowice Special Economic Zone, SPIN-US and, decided to enter into a new phase and to build acceleration program for Polish and Brazilian start-ups to help them to expand into foreign markets and to create strong links enabling works on breakthrough technologies in the field of IT sector, medicine,  agriculture, environment protection and sustainability projects.
BraSilesia is well perceived by companies from both countries and has its first success story. After building traction on a Brazilian market, Planet Heroes  (a Polish fintech company which creates worldwide peer to peer platform for supporting environmental projects, offering tools for money transfer and providing IT solutions to validate, measure effects and report of supported projects) decided to enter Brazilian market and to set up a company in Brazil with soft-landing support offered by TecnoParq in Viçosa – one of the leading Brazilian hubs in the field of agriculture, environment and sustainability projects.   PHOTO-2022-04-14-12-32-05

BraSilesia is developing  thanks to strong support of the Embassy of Brazil in Warsaw, the Investment and Trade Promotion Agency ‘Invest Minas’ (INDI) and the Foreign Trade Office in São Paulo of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency. 

In mid 2022, within the next steps of the BraSilesia project, it is planned to start an acceleration programme and announce a call for projects.





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